Hmm. It sounds like your employee has found a hole in your system and might be working it. But, let me ask you this: Is his work getting done? Does he cause others to suffer due to his absenteeism? Are the goals of his position being met? If all of these things are no problem and the issue is truly his “working the system” then you may have little to do here except finding a way to change your PTO policies.
If there are performance or other issues that cause a hardship on the company, this may need to be addressed from the performance angle.
Is he calling out for medical reasons? Perhaps there is an actual, perceived or potential disability issue that could be claimed by the worker.
Finally, is he overtime-exempt? If so, there may be a level of fluidity where he often works from remote locations on his phone or other devices. All of these things must be considered before action is taken.
This is not one of those open and shut answers. You have many things to consider. I hope these questions will help you make some decisions about how you move forward with this and other employees.
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