
Human Resources

We had an employee call in sick today with a sore throat, cough and tiredness. How should we proceed? Can we require testing for COVID19? How long can we ask him to stay home? When do we notify people he may have had contact with and how will affect their work status?

You can require testing. He should immediately quarantine for up to 14 days if symptoms subside. If he tests positive, 2 negative tests are recommended before he returns. But, there is also another strategy for allowing a return by monitoring symptoms and time of infection. You should notify employees that you are watching a POTENTIAL exposure if it will be several days before results are in. Keep in mind that in many areas it is taking 8-10 days to get results when using the free testing centers. You should also be taking steps to sanitize the workplace and put in place a preparedness plan for communicable diseases. We have a sample in HDD PnP Library. https://helpdesksuites.com/policy-and-procedure-library/   Search PREP.

Here is some CDC guidance



Here is the link to OSHA’s guidance:  https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/covid-19/

Here is the EEOC guidance that talks about testing https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/what-you-should-know-about-covid-19-and-ada-rehabilitation-act-and-other-eeo-laws

Tag: Exposure

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