
Upgrade your PLS Tool-Kit to Suite Deluxe

Want an even more powerful resource at your fingertips?

  If you're using our Help Desk tools then no doubt you're already making your work life more manageable every day. But what could you do with even more tools at your disposal?

  Our Deluxe Suit upgrade answers that question in one neat package. With many additional resources in your arsenal, you'll be even more equipped to take on anything that may arise in your workplace.

What's included in the Deluxe Edition?


Access your suite from anywhere. Tablet, Desktop, even your mobile phone! Plus, access to our top-notch customer care via email. Deluxe customers are prioritized for faster responses. 


Four separate and detailed compliance Tool-Kits: 

  • Human Resources 
  • Payroll 
  • Accounts Receivable 
  • OSHA Compliance
Creating an Effective Credit and Collection Policy

Multiple guides and checklists to help you stay organized:

  • Records Retention Guide 
  • Wage and Hour Guidance by State 
  • Internal Audit Checklists for Payroll 
  • Annual Hazard Inspection Checklists 
  • Sample Employee Policy Manuals by State 
  • OSHA Plans, Programs and Training Tools
  • Collection Laws by State 
  • Collections Policy Manual Creation Guide 
  • Garnishment Laws by State 
  • Sample Phone Scripts and Letters

A vast resource library to help you stay on top of your continued education credits, or to earn your certifications for the first time. Multiple guides, assessments, prep quizzes and court cases as examples all to help you learn in the easiest and quickest way.


Our employee handbook creator allows you to make as many handbooks for as many states as you need. Simply fill out the required info and generate your file to print or email for all of your employees in a matter of 30 minutes or less. 


Job Description Writer - Learn how to accurately and formally present job descriptions to possible candidates for your business so you know you're getting the right people applying every time.

  • Sample Job Descriptions
  • COBRA Guidance
  • State and Federal FMLA Guidance

Easy to use calculators help organize your payroll and make things smoother and quicker.

  • Blended Overtime Calculator
  • I-9 Retention Calculators
  • Regular rate Calculators
  • Location Pay Calculator 
  • Quarterly Bonus Calculator
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