
DANCE it Out!

Conflict resolution has become one of the most highly sought after skills in the workplace. Friends and family members also struggle with misunderstandings, jealousies and other sorts of tough situations. The ability to have a difficult conversation that ends with a workable solution is not always the easiest task. The ability to make peace or even prevent a conflict is something few people do well, especially when tensions are high. Why? Perhaps we unknowingly step on toes – adding to the problem – instead of carefully proceeding with knowledge and humility.

During this introspective discussion, you will:

  • Receive straightforward conversation about the various mind-sets that draw us to conflict
  • Become more aware of who you are compared to the other people in your life
  • Evaluate your responses to negative stimuli
  • Review the importance of “play” in the lives of adults
  • Hear illustrations of how dance and music are healing and can make (or break) an attitude
  • Learn skills that allow you to evaluate your attitudes toward others and understand how well equipped you are to successfully lead the conflict resolution “dance”
  • Hear a detailed explanation of what it takes to D.A.N.C.E. it Out!

D.A.N.C.E. it Out! is designed to provide you with the opportunity to examine yourself and others concerning your habits and attitudes related to the “soundtrack of your life”.

“Dancing’s just a conversation between two people. Talk to me.”

– Justin Matisse played by Harry Connick, Jr. in the movie Hope Floats

Honest productive conversation is essential to preventing or resolving conflict. Much like a dance, workable solutions can only be reached if both sides are prepared and willing to at least try. Not everyone knows how to dance.  But, everyone can learn no matter how unnatural the act may seem to be. All you need are the proper steps in an easy to understand format.

D.A.N.C.E. it Out: 5 Easy Steps to Resolving Conflict and Creating Workable Solutions provides just the template we need to easily remember the basics of effectively negotiating personality conflicts, customer service issues, jealousies and other types of difficult conversations and relationships whether they be work-related or personal.

 Who will Benefit?

  • Employers, managers, supervisors, people in relationships, customer service representatives, anyone who works with the public, parents of teenagers – virtually everyone!

Includes: 2 hours of audio broken into 15 tracks and 11 BONUS instrumental tracks suitable for listening, exercise or dance!

Recommendation to training managers:
All mp3 and m4a files are able to be saved on your local drive or smart phone.

Train in segments. Use included BONUS dance music to get your participants up and moving. Demonstrate the positive mind-set change up-beat music has on the brain. Ask them at the point they are all having fun laughing and dancing: “Do you feel angry or irritated right now? How does this sort of experience make you feel? Wouldn’t life be great if your soundtrack was made up of fun and positivity? – Ask other questions as applicable to your group.

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