As the vaccine debates rage on, many people have taken to the clandestine arts to solve their issues. Fake COVID vaccine cards have moved into the spotlight.
How do you know if a card has been faked?
Attorney Eric B. Meyer of has the following tips.
If possible, inspect the actual card (as opposed to a screenshot). The card should not be thin paper or look like someone cut it with scissors.
The card should not be fully printed; there should be some handwriting.
Where there is print, check for misspellings.
For Moderna and Pfizer, since it’s unlikely that the same person administered both doses, the handwriting corresponding to the first and second doses should be different and have stickers.
What should HR or any employer do if they find a phony card?
The advice from attorney Meyer is to terminate the employee immediately. He points out that it’s illegal to buy or use a falsified document that uses a government agency’s official seal. Here is the law for you to review
I hope this helps.