
SBS 017: Want to BE a Human Resources Consultant?

Tired of making money for other people? Do you dream of self-employment and being truly valued for your expertise? Maybe it’s time to be the human resources consultant! Who is our HR Superstar today? Hint: Clickety Clack – She ain’t fat! Here are some cool and helpful links! Authority Devil Wears Prada Please leave a comment […]

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The Department of Labor finally issued the proposed overtime rules for the re-vamping of overtime exemptions. What should employers do to prepare? Listen in and find out! Who is our HR Superstar today? Hint: So bad it can’t be real. Here are some cool and helpful links! Free Webinar UnReal   Please leave a comment and […]

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HR Made Me FAT!  On this point I will not negotiate. I was a lovely young maiden back in the day. I married, had two children and managed to keep my girlish figure. Then one day I moved into a position requiring me to perform many human resources related duties. Boom! I started to gain […]

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Is it possible to hold an employee of a company responsible for damages  and penalties  in  a lawsuit  or audit because they hold “employer” status? Who’s the boss anyway? In the recently published Administrator’s Interpretation Dr. David Weil, Department of Labor Administrator,  mentioned the definition of the word “employer”. He quoted the Fair Labor Standards […]

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Here all about the SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage. Please leave a comment and rating on iTunes! Listen to Small Business Spoonfuls below:

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“The Employer Needed Pooper Scooper” may be a better title for this post! So what is GINA and why am I talking about poop? Hang in there and let me explain.

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On July 15th 2015, Department of Labor (DOL) Administrator, David Weil, issued the much anticipated Administrator’s Interpretation 2015-1 clarifying the DOL position regarding the independent contractor vs. employee debate.

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Q & A Today Replay Group Coaching with Lisa Smith Focus: Payroll department stumbling blocks. Live presentation: May 2015 Webinars are great! A focused topic that teaches us “How to” or maybe ‘How not to”.  We get answers to the questions the webinar developer believes we need. But, sometimes we just need a little more. […]

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Employees who post Facebook comments that speak negatively about the company  or even a boss have become major concerns to employers. Can I have a policy  forbidding this activity? What happens if I  fire a worker? Tune in and let’s discuss this sticky legal matter. Who  is our HR Superstar today? Hint: Working nine to […]

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Now here’s something all will love to hear:  “You may be getting a pay raise if you make less than $50,440 a year (before taxes)!” 

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