
Spoonful of HR: Meals and Breaks

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Using the wrong I-9 form? Uh, Oh! Well several people made this  mistake.  Correct the errors now before ICE does it for you. In this episode I will discuss the How To’s of facing this and other I-9 challenges. Who  is our HR Superstar today? Hint: She is one spicy lawyer who will make you laugh until […]

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Ouch! Somebody got Stapled. I was 5 years old. In kindergarten when Mrs. Cash told me she would staple my mouth shut for talking to much and asking too many questions. I told her that my daddy  would call the police and she would be in jail if she did that. She spanked me. It was her job to nurture […]

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In this episode I will discuss some key factors you must consider before classifying a worker as an independent contractor or  1099 worker. Do you know your ABCs? Huh? Exactly! Listen in and find out if you’re “doing it right”. Who is out HR Superstar for today? Well, all I can tell you is this: […]

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OMG! The DOL has promised us the new proposed guidelines for classifying Exempt workers No-Later-Than June 18th of this year. That’s pretty exciting stuff for employment law geeks like me! But, WAIT! There’s more………….

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Join me for this Q & A about how to handle the tricky situations that arise when dealing with employee wage garnishments. I will be offering some awesome tips for making the process run a little easier in the payroll office. Who is my HR Superstar for todays’s episode? I’ll give you a hint: She […]

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That crazy DOL! Boy can they play with employers when they want.

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Uh oh! Even the attorneys get it wrong sometimes. Exempt Employee Misclassification is not joke! The case has not actually been decided. But, the claim sounds reasonable. The thing that makes this case so intriguing and not just a little bit scary is the fact that this particular law firm advertises Wage and Hour Law as […]

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Nowadays, companies find themselves handling four generations of American workers. Each group has its own distinctive characteristics, ethics, and approaches toward work, based on its generation’s life experiences. Let’s take a look at the 4 generations in the workplace and how they interact with one another: Veterans (Born between 1925 and 1946) Baby Boomers (Born between 1946 […]

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