
COVID-19 Impact On OSHA Enhanced Abatements

Hey Compliance Warriors! Part of being audit secure is looking at an issue from every angle. Even if that issue hasn’t arisen yet, we can always do our best to be prepared for a situation to arise. This article brings out one such potential problem. Read on… Article Via: oshachronicle.com “It is not unusual for […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! This is a wonderful video that we can all glean something from. It includes some large scale and small scale solutions about COVID-19, goes into a reasonably simple but informative explanation of the virus and what it can do to you, and more. There are some subtle viewpoints that people may disagree […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Time management can be difficult for anyone. It’s most often the quality people in the workforce are told they need to improve upon. We know our work lives can be chaotic WITHOUT the distractions of home life put into the mix, but let’s see how we can manage both. Read On…   […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! A continuation of the necessary skills and discipline for self-management. We might think working from home will be the same as office life, but you’ll quickly learn that is can be (and usually is) a very different experience. Read on… Part Three: Self-Management Self-management can cover a wide range of aspects and […]

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As you may have heard, Coronavirus (COVID-19) is sweeping the country – and not in a good way. There has been plenty of discussions about working remotely and health precautions around the office. But, it’s also important to remember that Coronavirus may impact your commercial contracts as well. If you have not yet begun to […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Not too long ago, I’d posted an article on this subject. This article, however, goes into the details of the newly enacted law. As the title suggests starting March 15th it will be a requirement for Pittsburgh employers to provide sick leave for their employees. Obviously, this law is not without its […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) today published “Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19” to help companies respond in the event of coronavirus in the workplace. The guidance was developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). Read on…

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Generally, this weekly post is somewhat related to the realm of Employment Law or HR topics. However, this week I decided to take a brief jump over into the realm of Insurance Law – primarily because I thought this recent case out of the United States District Court Western District of Texas El Paso Division […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! There’s been a lot of misinformation and undue panic spread around about COVID-19, aka the Coronavirus. Thankfully the CDC is on top of things as usual and is putting out tips and information for employers to stay on top of the threat of a possible outbreak. Remember – washing your hands is […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! We posted about joint employer rulings now too long ago, and this is the final update on the subject. This looks to be favorable to employers by minimizing liability in certain situations, but the article goes into more specifics on the subject. Read on…   Article Via: independentcontractorcompliance.com “Many companies that operate […]

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