
Constructive Criticism in the Workplace

Hey Compliance Warriors! Constructive criticism in the workplace can be hard to navigate sometimes. Take a look at this information to see way we might be able to avoid a potential problem. Read on..

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The #Metoo movement is really important this day and age. As employers we want to make sure we are doing the right thing because we know we can’t control the actions of other people. Here’s some protective actions we can take. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The New York minimum wage and exempt salaries are set to increase for 2019 starting 12/31/2018. Here is a breakdown of the changes. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! If you’re a patent owner, here’s some questions to review to make sure you’re able to answer if their is ever a question about who owns your design. read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Here’s a cautionary tale regarding enforcement of non-compete restrictions post employment. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Looks like California employers will be busy in 2019 as they face quite a few law changes. Heres an overview of what’s coming. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Starting January 2, 2019 employers will be required to reimburse qualifying expenses. Read on for all the details on this…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Can small country offices make decisions based on age? Check out this article to see where the Supreme Court stands on this. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! There have been some amended rules under the NYC Safe and Sick Time Act. Read on for the details on this …

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Hey Compliance Warriors! California is tightening up on their requirements for lactation accomodation for nursing mothers. If applicable, is your facility setup to accommodate a nursing mother? Read on…

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