
Tip Pooling: New Guidelines For Employers

Hey Compliance Warriors! The FLSA has issued new tip pooling guidelines for employers to follow. Check out the article below to see what the old rules were compared to the new rules. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! If you’re in the Auto sales and service industry you may want to take a look at this ruling by the supreme court. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The DOL has established a hotline to help former employees Houlihan’s Restaurant chain in NY and NJ to recover their back wages owed. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The DOL has found that an Ohio roofing company is exposing their employees to dangerous situations situation without any safety equipment. Read on for more details…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Federal judge orders the owner of a California drywall company to cooperate with a DOL probe of alleged wage violations. Read on for the details…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The DOL has launched a Webpage to assist those filing FECA claims in connection with 9/11 injuries. Read on for more details on this…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The DOL has issued some new opinion letters. Check out the press release below to see what these new letters are pertaining to…

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Ok. I know you’re pretty fed up (no pun) with my delaying in telling you what my Dr. discovered after reviewing the lab-work I told you about in Part Two. The HR Fat Dragon has been uncovered! My Name is Lisa and I am a Carb-o-Holic! We have all heard and read the low-carb diet plans. […]

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Ok – Let’s talk turkey. In Part One, I promised you I would talk about my struggle to find the secret to taming the HR Fat Dragon. I believe I have found it, but the final results are not in yet. So, let me start by telling you what I have tried on my way. Diets […]

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HR Made Me FAT!  On this point I will not negotiate. I was a lovely young maiden back in the day. I married, had two children and managed to keep my girlish figure. Then one day I moved into a position requiring me to perform many human resources related duties. Boom! I started to gain […]

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