
Spoonful of HR: What is Full-time?

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            How they are changing the game. As the team of young people called millennials soon become the largest group in the workforce, more attention is being directed to their perspectives, goals, and desires. Millennial’s most noticeable characteristic is the extensive use of  technology ranging from mobile devices, and communication apps, to […]

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Sometimes implementing a W-4 change can be a real task; especially when employees change the game time  after time to juggle taxation. So, the question always comes up: Do I have to reflect the change immediately or is there a grace period for a payroll processor? Tune in and find out exactly what the IRS […]

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The concept of employees who refuse to follow the policies and procedures is beyond my comprehension. Listen in as I discuss this matter that many managers struggle with.

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Payroll processors, you know deducting money from an employee’s paycheck is a touchy subject. Determining the type of worker you are dealing with is job one. Some worker classifications carry little room for docking money from pay. Today I will discuss this question and give a variety of items to  consider before deducting any money your employee has earned. Who  […]

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OSHA Announces Intent to Increase Inspections of Healthcare Facilities Click here > 8 Questions You MUST Ask about the New OSHA Record-keeping to download the e-book I mentioned in the video! It’s inside the free library. About LISA SMITH Lisa Smith is CEO of Andere Seminars, LLC and Chief Content Developer at BeAuditSecure.com. Follow her on Twitter, connect with her […]

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