

Hey Compliance Warriors! The IRS released two new notices today regarding Section 125 Plans and High Deductible Health Plans. Good info. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The state of Illinois has created its own training program for sexual harassment to be uniform across the state. Here’s what you need to know about it. Read on… Article Via: jacksonlewis.com “The Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) has released a model training program meeting the requirements of the Illinois Human Rights Act […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Virginia tried to do right by employees and give the minimum wage a boost. Along with some other legislation changes, now they’re seeing cases crop up because of the new laws. Read on…   Article Via: natlawreview.com “Is Virginia the new California?  That may be an exaggeration, but in April 2020 the […]

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Following last weeks’ announcement from Texas Governor Greg Abbott, that retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters and malls will be allowed to reopen means many Texas workers now have a difficult decision to make. There are now multiple reports that some employers who have attempted to bring employees back to work are encountering some employees who […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! We’ve been talking about this for weeks, and it’s really starting to kick off now. The litigation against businesses for mismanaging the Covid-19 pandemic is getting worse as more cases pop up daily. In the following article, we’ll see some examples of this and also what employers can do to try and […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Michigan is boldly passing some legislation to encourage everyone to “stay home, stay safe” – as the governers executive order is referred. There will be changes though, so if you’re a resident of the great state of Michigan, then I encourage you to read on… Article Via: btlaw.com On April 24, Michigan […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Short and sweet article about how expectations can change quickly when you’re working under someone new. This is why you should never let the adage “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” apply to you. Be willing to adapt to new circumstances. Read on… Article Via: shawe.com The U.S. Court of […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! We’re getting to the point now where many businesses will begin to open their door back up, but we still need to be very cautious during this time. This article will provide some practical recommendations to think about while getting back to business, as well as government-issued rules. Read on… Article Via: […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! With many states starting to re-open right now we’re faced with an encroaching second wave of Covid-19 infections if proper and measurable precautions aren’t put in place. For employers, this is hugely difficult but important. Currently, there are numerous cases of employees attempting litigation for allegedly contracting Covid-19 in the workplace. Read […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! More guidance has been provided on the subject of withholding requirements for those that are temporarily working from home because of Covid-19. This is largely a state by state issue, so read carefully to see if you or your employees are affected. Read on… Article Via: faegredrinker.com Nationwide stay-at-home orders issued in […]

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