
Law To Eliminate Wage Gaps Upheld In Philadelphia

Hey Compliance Warriors! The city of Philadelphia has been going back and forth with this law. The ordinance was originally passed in Philidelphia to help combat, amongst other things, wage gaps for female employees. Even after multiple other cities have passed similar laws, appeals are still being made against it. Read on… Article Via: cozen.com […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Welcome to part five of our blog series! We’ll get into the meat of the actual discussion you’ll need to have with an employee about to be terminated. The language you should use, the attitude with which to approach it, and if need be, the evidence you should have to support your […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! An interesting ruling out of the California Supreme Court that expands on the definition of an employee’s time worked. This ruling may only cover one subject but it can be broadly applied to any employer that expects their employees to maintain responsibilities either before starting or going past their set work hours. […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Today we’re continuing with part four in our series. This section is important because of the sensitivity of subject matter that can surround an employee’s termination, the attitude of the employee being terminated, or the people involved in the reason for termination. We will get into the hows and whys of important […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Part 3 of our continuing series is Section 2 of Employees Who Should Be Terminated. In this part, we will give some additional examples of conduct that’s unbecoming of an employee.

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Hey Compliance Warriors! This is a terrific article for anyone running a business in a noisy environment. The article points to construction sites, however, there are many different environments this guidance can be applied to. Read on… Article Via: fmglaw.com “In late 2019, OSHA released a letter of interpretation in response to employers’ questions regarding […]

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Recently, a jury in New Jersey ordered a large bank to pay a former employee $2.4 million in damages for allegedly failing to take effective action to protect her and other employees from a customer’s alleged sexual harassment and misconduct. According to her lawsuit, former wealth manager Damara Scott said she was leaving the bank […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Having to fire an employee is never an easy task.  Sometimes, despite attempts of open communication and encouraging performance, an employee will need to be terminated from the company.  One of the hardest aspects of preparing to fire an employee is to separate the emotions from the facts.  Firing an employee should […]

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       Hey Compliance Warriors! A huge change in Colorado’s wage and hour laws are going into effect less than one month from now. This will be a major shakeup for private employers who only have a short period of time to get on board in compliance of these new laws. Read on…   […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Welcome to a special ten-part series on employee termination. Letting go of an employee can often be a difficult process to take on from determining the cost-benefit of terminating an employee to documenting the deciding factors leading up to the termination. And of course, the laws can be different for these things […]

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