Hey Compliance Warriors! Anything that can be done to lessen workplace violence is a move in the right direction. The Ministry of Labour in Canada has released a guide addressing some key things. Read on for the details…
Hey Compliance Warriors! Anything that can be done to lessen workplace violence is a move in the right direction. The Ministry of Labour in Canada has released a guide addressing some key things. Read on for the details…
Hey Compliance Warriors! Today we’re giving some tips on best practices when terminating someone to prevent confrontation. Don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or Stitcher! Enjoy and until next time, Be Audit Secure! Transcription: Lisa: Today we are talking about violence in the workplace. Mason: You hear […]
Hey Compliance Warriors! Workplace violence can be a tricky thing to navigate when it comes to OSHA. Especially in the medical field where this is more prominent. Here’s 12 steps to help you navigate OSHA’s guidelines. Read on…
About LISA SMITH Lisa Smith is CEO of Andere Seminars, LLC and Chief Content Developer at BeAuditSecure.com. Follow her on Twitter, connect with her on LinkedIn, listen to her Small Business Spoonfuls Podcast, and find more from her in Audit-Secure Authority at BeAuditSecure.com.
Human Resources, Lunch and Learn, OSHA
In this course you will learn: OSHA’s definition of violence and aggression What the risks are for violence by a personal relationship How to recognize the signs of domestic abuse in a co-worker The items employers must address in a workplace violence action plan
Hey ASAP Members! If you subscribe to our HelpDesk Suite of Compliance Tool-Kits or have recently joined our Audit-Secure Assistant Program, you may know that on occasion we provide FREE webinars as part of your program. Well, it’s time again. In October we are offering a Wednesday afternoon webinar on Workplace Violence: How to identify […]
Have you ever dealt with an employee who had signs and symptoms of domestic abuse, but loved, defended and protected the abuser? Some experts call this reaction Stockholm Syndrome or Trauma Bond. While hard to understand, the realities exist that an employee who suffers violently from abuse at home may allow this situation to escalate […]
Domestic Violence is an epidemic. 25% (or more) of women and almost as many men are victims of violence at the hand of an intimate partner or family member. Look around your workplace and remember this statistic. I love to write about the reality of Domestic Violence and how your workplace is affected. Sadly, I […]
HR News, Human Resources, OSHA
Women and men across the country are driven from their jobs and homes annually due to relentless abusers. My hope is that one day soon employers will realize the severity of domestic violence realities and willingly participate in the effort to protect workers who stand to lose everything. On October 27, 2015, Senator Patty Murray […]