
Minimum Wage, Tip, and Overtime Updates

Hey Compliance Warriors! Here’s some information regarding minimum wage increases by state that will go into effect starting July 1st, 2019. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! With the recent outbreak of measles in the U.S. here are a few steps employers can take to protect their company. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Todays were talking the Bermuda Triangle of the FMLA! When three laws intersect. Lisa gives some great tips on hopefully how to fly out in tact. Don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or Stitcher! Enjoy and until next time, Be Audit Secure! Transcription: Lisa: Welcome to another […]

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Breaking News! On June 3, 2019, in a 9-0 opinion written by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Court of the United States court rejected a claim from Fort Bend County, Texas making it easier for employees to bring claims against employers after they have been routed through the EEOC.   The case is Fort Bend […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! With new elections come new legislation. Here’s an update for Colorado. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Check out the information below regarding this. Read on…

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This post is a little technical, so apologies in advance. In Texas Department of Transportation v. Lara (a decision delivered on May 9, 2019) Albert Lara, Jr., sued the Texas Department of Transportation for terminating his employment after he took extended leave to recover from surgery. After twenty years of employment with the Department, Lara […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Here’s a quick update on some proposed rules regarding White Collar Exemption Salary Level, Regular Rate of Pay, and Joint Employment. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! When it comes to religious accommodations sometimes it can be a hardship on the company if a replacement for a certain day or shift is not available. Here’s an example that went all the way to the Supreme Court. Read on…

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With the recent news out of Alabama of the “Alabama Human Life Protection Act,” it is timely to look at how abortions may relate to the workplace. You may have heard about the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (“PDA”) before, but did you know that it extends to much more than “pregnancy”? In fact, the PDA prohibits adverse […]

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