
What? Motivational Waterboarding

About LISA SMITH Lisa Smith is CEO of Andere Seminars, LLC and Chief Content Developer at BeAuditSecure.com. Follow her on Twitter, connect with her on LinkedIn, listen to her Small Business Spoonfuls Podcast, and find more from her in Audit-Secure Authority at BeAuditSecure.com.

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Minimum wage increases are a fact of life that many – if not most – employers in America must realize. However, the debates continue on this subject in many states across the country. Let’s look at 5 states and cities undergoing these very debates. Read on…

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 Have you ever wondered what would cause you to get inspected by the I-9 folks (a.k.a. I.C.E.)? Read on…

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In this video, Lisa Smith discusses the basics of legally using volunteers in the workplace.

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On April, 1, 2017 “Healthcare Employers” in California fell under a whole slew of new requirements. If you are under Cal/OSHA then read this new set of requirements and make sure you know whether you are “healthcare” or not. Read on…

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In this video, Lisa Smith discusses three key factors to remember when terminating an employee.

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Welcome to another Members Only Pop-up Webinars for 2017. Today, I am updating you on the latest info regarding the Final Rule for Overtime Exemptions that has been keeping us hanging for months!

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In this video, Lisa Smith discusses the issue of Paid Leave around the country.

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What have you learned from the FOX News – Bill O’Reilly sexual harassment situations?

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Hey Compliance Warriors! On April 19th, 2017 USCIS announced they will be redesigning the “Green Card”.  Will it be “green”? 

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