
SBS 301: Working From Home? Perk or No Perk

Hey Compliance Warriors! This weeks podcast is on the topic of working from home. It’s becoming a practical option as the threat of COVID continues through the workplace and beyond. Working from home involves quite a bit of mental discipline, however, and we’ll get into the pros and cons of the subject. Below is also […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Today, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) announced guidance for employers with certain federal contracts regarding paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave under the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (FFCRA). The guidance provides compliance assistance to employers with service contracts with the federal government covered […]

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Recently, in light of COVID-19, many people have asked me if they can mandate that their employees wear face masks or coverings in the workplace. Well, the short answer is, yes . .  . generally. A business may implement a workplace policy or rule that requires its employees to wear a face mask or covering […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Today, I’d like to talk about workplace diversity. Right now, we’re seeing the ramifications of inequality and mistreatment of peoples all over the news and web. Unfortunately, we’ve been seeing it for years, and it’s often gone unattended. What first comes to mind when you think about diversity? It can, like much […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The days of remote work and zoom meetings are still upon us. However, more and more of the country continues to reopen. As it does, our employees return to work beset by ailments we may have never known they had. In fact, “invisible disabilities” is the technical term used in the ADA […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The Internal Revenue Service issued a temporary regulation and a proposed regulation to reconcile advance payments of refundable employment tax credits and recapture the benefit of these credits when necessary. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! This week, the CDC announced new guidance for non-healthcare workers who are returning to work. You may be surprised by the changes. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! It seems like every day we see the divide widen between people who think they don’t need masks, and people who support wearing them. Of course, this is decided upon by cities, states, and so on, but businesses also have the right to choose how they handle things. As long as they […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! We’re knee-deep in summer, and with some areas getting record-breaking heat, there’s no doubt that heat-related health issues can arise. To learn more about preventing these illnesses, grab a bottle of water, and Read on… Sign up to watch our BossCalls replay recorded July 29th – An up-to-date discussion about COVID-19 & […]

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In the July 8, 2020 decision, Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court upheld a regulation that permits all employers with a “sincerely held religious or moral objection” to opt out of providing contraceptive coverage in their group health plans. As a bit of background, the Affordable […]

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