
Breaking News: New Jersey Releases Employee Misclassification Poster

Hey Compliance Warriors! New Jersey has finally released the new mandatory poster regarding employee misclassification. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled, in a 6-to-3 decision, that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from firing workers for being homosexual or transgender. Justice Neil Gorsuch stated: “In Title VII, Congress adopted broad language making it illegal for an […]

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Special Full-Day Seminar replay: Recorded on 6.26.2020  10 am to 3 pm Central HR Law in the World of COVID-19    We can all agree that 2020 has brought many unexpected changes to the world. Our world of Human Resources has also changed on almost a daily basis. More is being asked of us individually […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! New York issued new guidance on starting phase 3 of reopening the state. Because of NYC being the worst-hit area in the US, extra precaution needs to be taken when talking about opening up safely. Read on…   Article Via: seyfarth.com “As discussed previously, Governor Cuomo’s reopening plan – titled “New York […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Recent updates to the DOJ’s guidance for corporate compliance have been released. There are a number of factors involved in the umbrella of corporate compliance and this article goes into both the previous standards as well as the updates. Read on…   Article Via: seyfarth.com “On June 1, 2020, the Criminal Division […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Unemployment is a pretty hot topic in the US right now. With many employers re-opening, the question then remains what happens to an ex-employees unemployment if they’re offered their job back. Read on… Article Via: bowditch.com One of the most obvious effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is the record-high number of individuals […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! There’s plenty of people out there who are still rather panicked about the COVID-19 crisis, and rightfully so. But it can make reopening our businesses rather challenging when people don’t want to come back in. For guidance on encouraging your workforce, Read on… Article Via: www.icemiller.com “Many employers are working on bringing […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Every state has similar guidelines for reopening, but they’re not all the same. So if you’re a resident of the great state of Virginia, then please, Read on… Article Via: mwcllc.com “With portions of the Commonwealth of Virginia starting to reopen, there are important measures employers should consider as they plan for […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Because of the decriminalization and regulation of legal marijuana in many places, New York City has introduced a new mandate that disallows most employers from requiring testing for marijuana prior to employment. To get into the details, Read on… Article Via: seyfarth.com “While it has been a challenge for employers to keep […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! We’re flying by the seat of our pants in 2020 and this case is no exception. The question at hand? How harshly should someone faking a Covid-19 case be punished, if at all?            Article Via: constangy.com           “The Justice Department is prosecuting a […]

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