
California: 10 New Laws to Understand

Hey Compliance Warriors! If you’re running a business in California, here is some new legislation coming January 1st, 2020 you’ll probably want to look over. Read on…

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Well, it’s that time of year again. Time for potlucks and holiday lunches and corporate outings. And just as every year, you will invariably get questions or at least thoughts about including alcohol at any of these functions. Well, if you are thinking of providing or making alcohol available at any corporate function, you may […]

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Recently, the Fifth Circuit released an opinion, Brock Services, L.L.C. v. Richard Rogillio, No. 19-30363, which provides helpful guidance regarding non-compete provisions that can impact both employers and employees alike. In Brock, Richard Rogillio (“Rogillio”) began working for Brock Services, L.L.C. (“Brock”) in the summer of 2010 until he resigned to work for a direct […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors, Today we talk about a recent court case where delivery drivers weren’t paid correctly, filed a claim, and won big! Don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher! Enjoy and until next time, Be Audit Secure! Transcription: Lisa: Welcome back to another edition of small business Spoonfuls. […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The term “emoji” has somehow found itself to be a popular term in society today. Usually because these small pictures can help you show your friends and family how you feel when writing text messages. However, did you know these emoticons can also be used in court? Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Here’s an update on NYPFL for 2020. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! We’re back and this week we’re talking about the new lactation room requirements for California. Don’t forget to rate, review and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher! Enjoy and until next time, Be Audit Secure! Transcription:   Lisa: Welcome back to another edition of small business Spoonfuls. I’m Lisa Smith. Mason: […]

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On November 12, 2019, a federal court in Boston ruled that searches of international traveler’s electronic devices by Immigration and Customers Enforcement (“ICE”) and Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”), at airports and other U.S. portions, performed without reasonable suspicion were unconstitutional. The ruling arose from a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, Electronic […]

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Hey Compliance Warrior! Here is an interesting court case regarding an employee who filed a claim for unfair termination due to her age. However, after reviewing her workplace conduct the 5th Circuit felt differently. Read on for the details…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Here’s a quick update on what protections in the workplace New York is requiring for DV victims. Read on…

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