
Breaking News: Spokane City Council Approves "Ban-The-Box" Ordinance For Private Sector Employers

Hey Compliance Warriors! Breaking news coming out of Spokane City approving the “Ban-The-Box” ordinance. Meaning job applicants will no long be required to disclose former criminal history until after an interview. Read on for more on this… Article via https://www.disabilityleavelaw.com “Mayor David Condon has until December 14, 2017 to sign or veto the ordinance. If passed, […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! On October 31, 2017, New York City Local Law No. 67 which is concerning human rights was changed not allowing future employers to ask questions regarding the interviewee’s salary history. For more information on the logistics of this read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors!   Planning for the new year can be a daunting task. But, it can also be a time for fresh ideas to engage and motivate your employees. This article will help you with both! Enjoy….

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Here’s some new information on a tax bill approved by the senate concerning paid leave and sexual harassment settlement nondisclosures. Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! New York State’s Paid Family Leave Laws are causing quite a stir. Here is information on a FREE webinar you will not want to miss if you have employees in NY!   Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! DOL is doing it again! Check out the new proposed tip sharing guidelines.  Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! No doubt you have heard about all of the sexual harassment, misconduct, and assault charges discussed in the news recently. It’s very sad and disgusting that we have to actually discuss whether certain actions of this nature are right or wrong. I’ll cut to the chase: They are WRONG! As HR professionals, […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! We all know California employment law is a constant challenge. Here is an update on an employer’s ability to hire or not based on criminal history.  Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Just when we thought we knew what is going on with the Obama Overtime Rule, they change the game on us and reopen the appeals process. This argument is not in play because the DOL wants the Obama Rule to stand as is. However, the DOL is defending the August 2017 ruling […]

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We have recently made several updates to our HelpDesk Tool-Kits. Specifically, we have added HR updates regarding COBRA laws. Read on…

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