
Pryor Learning Solutions Vlog #9: Update on the Overtime Exemptions Final Rule

UPDATE: This final rule has been put on hold until DOL has an opportunity to appeal or submit a new rule. Update expected in 2019. In this video, Lisa Smith provides an update on the Overtime Exemptions Final Rule.

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In this video, Lisa Smith covers the increase in I-9 penalties for noncompliance.

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In this video, learn about the new I-9 form released this year.

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Do you use independent contractors? If so, then you may know the DOL has been super concerned about the use or misuse of independent workers. Join the FREE Webinar presented by attorney firm Littler Mendelson P.C. and find out what  you need to know. When: April 25, 2017: The Trump administration: Will the attack on independent […]

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DEC. 2019 UPDATE: THIS BILL HAS STALLED AND NO FURTHER ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN. An illegal, but sometimes common payroll practice is once again being considered by lawmakers.  Many employers would love to legally substitute extra paid time off for actual overtime paid as it is worked. But, currently this practice is outside of the […]

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Hey Texas Warriors! I recently had a question from on of our BeAuditSecure.com framily members regarding the employment laws surrounding jury duty in Texas. So, I decided to make a short video and post the Texas law below. For our members who do not reside in my home state, never fear. You are not forgotten. I […]

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Hey Warriors! Welcome to another Members Only Pop-up Webinars for 2017. Today, I am updating you on the latest Federal Court Ruling on Title VII for LGBT workers. Enjoy and BeAuditSecure!   Lisa Smith

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From time to time, funny – strange court cases pop across the wires. Here are two that dealt with religious accommodations and the right to freedom FROM religious practices. Do you employee Pastafarians or Onionheads? Read on…

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Pay attention. This is a BIG deal. On April 4th, 2017 a federal court in Chicago became the first U.S. appellate court in the country to rule that LGBT employees are protected from workplace discrimination under the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

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Hey Warriors! Are you SMART MANAGERS? I’m sure you are, but there are 4 big mistakes that even SMART managers make. Watch this short video and do a little self evaluation. Then, let me know what you think! Enjoy and BeAuditSecure! Transcript: 4 Mistakes Even Smart Managers Make Managing a business is tough work. Many […]

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