
Montgomery County Maryland Redefines Harassment

Hey Compliance Warriors! Montgomery County Maryland has joined the growing list of states and locals that have all but done away with the ‘severe and pervasive” standard for defining harassment. Read on… Via: https://shawe.com/eupdate/montgomery-county-vastly-expands-definition-of-harassment/ Employers with employees in Montgomery County should be aware that illegal “harassment” is now defined more broadly than under Maryland state […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! New Jersey just tightened COVID-19 health and safety standards. Read on… By Kurt Rose https://www.littler.com/publication-press/publication/new-jersey-sets-mandatory-covid-19-health-and-safety-standards Beginning November 5, 2020, all employers operating in New Jersey will be required to comply with a number of COVID-19-related mandatory health and safety standards.  With the signing of Executive Order 192 (EO192), Governor Phil Murphy consolidated a hodgepodge […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Four states have voted to legalize recreational Mary Jane!  Read on… Initiative Passed (Y/N) Arizona Proposition 207: Recreational marijuana legalization Y California Proposition 22: Designating the state’s app-based drivers independent contractors Y California Proposition 16: Affirmative action programs at state and public institutions N Colorado Proposition 118: Creating a paid family and […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! The U.S. Department of Labor today announced two new opinion letters that address compliance issues related to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  Read on…  An opinion letter is an official, written opinion by the Department’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) on how a particular law applies in specific circumstances presented by […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Have you heard about the new layer of compliance California employers will have on their hands next year?  Read on… By https://www.govdocs.com/californias-new-equal-pay-reporting-requirements/?utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Labor+Law+News+Blog&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9NYU7CSPri6LNMMCIw_1aLxYMMzWmY7-mpxt7A0pUp2IguJQWGf1yqnnMTt0oKWCCR1mPMbV4OHUqdFmWMGC0187Cxrw&_hsmi=98939675&utm_content=98939675 Pay data will have to be reported to the state from any private employer with 100 or more workers. California Gov. Davin Newsom signed the bill Sept. 30.With the legislation taking […]

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Employees being able to discuss possible discriminatory events in the workplace is essential in order to attain a positive, efficient workplace environment. Compliance officers and HR specialists are put in place to help mitigate potential issues that employees may experience. However, that was not how things worked in the case of Badgerow v. REJ Properties, where […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Have you been thinking about ways to prevent workplace violence? Many employers are facing more tense workplace relationships and concerns are growing that we need to be on the ready at all times more now than ever before.  Read on… By Russell A. Jones and Michelle M. Holmes https://www.littler.com/publication-press/publication/workplace-violence-prevention-strategies-time-political-and-social Tensions appear to […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Michigan has recently added 3 new laws to the books. Employers will want to understand the latest from the Governor’s office.  Read on… Via: Adam S. Forman & Eduardo J. Quiroga October has brought a weekly flurry of changes to Michigan’s COVID-19 legal landscape. [1] On Thursday October 22, 2020, Governor Whitmer added to this recent […]

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Hey Compliance Warriors! Did you hear about the NY State taxation of out-of-state telecommuters? I wonder which other states will follow suit? Read on… Via:https://fkks.com/news/do-telecommuters-working-in-another-state-owe-new-york-state-income-taxes New York State recently issued new tax guidance for telecommuters providing answers to questions about the impact of COVID-19 on their New York State and New York City personal income tax liability. Among […]

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Recently, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that a rideshare driver was legally entitled to unemployment benefits, after ruling that Uber “controlled and directed the performance of the driver’s services as a driver-for-hire” and that the driver was not engaged in an independently established business. This case marks one of the few instances in which a higher court […]

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